259 Keizai Koho Center, Japan 2009: An International Comparison

書誌情報:Keizai Koho Center(経済広報センター),viii+108頁,本体価格857円,2008年12月19日,[isbn:9784876050406]

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経済広報センター殿。来年度こそ,附録の日本地図に Matsuyama を入れてくださいね。

Number Title Page
Chapter 1 Population -
1-1 Population, Area, and Density 2
1-2 Population of Major Cities 4
1-3 Percentage of Urban Population 4
1-4 Average Life Expectancy at Birth 5
1-5 Total Fertility Rate 5
1-6 Marriage and Divorce Rates 6
1-7 People Aged 65 or Over 6
1-8 Population by Age and Gender: Japan 7
1-9 Population in 50 Years: Japan 7
1-10 Change in Population Structure: Japan 8
1-11 Foreign Residents: Japan 9
1-12 Japanese Living Overseas 9
Chapter 2 National Economy -
2-1 GDP of Major Countries 10
2-2 Real Total Gross Fixed Capital Formation 10
2-3 Gross National Savings 11
2-4 Produce Price Growth Rates 11
2-5 Consumer Price Growth Rates 12
2-6 Industrial Production Indices 12
2-7 Official Discount Rates 13
2-8 Money Supply 13
2-9 Real Residential Price Indices 14
2-10 Securities Markets 14
2-11 Changes in Economy: Japan 15
2-12 Gross Domestic Expenditures: Japan 16
2-13 Gross National Assets: Japan 16
Chapter 3 Finance, Investment, and Trade -
3-1 Current Account Balances 17
3-2 Trade Balance of Goods and Services 17
3-3 Trade in Services 18
3-4 Income 18
3-5 Total Currenct Transfers, Net 19
3-6 Total Reserves 19
3-7 National Currency Share in Total Foreign Exchange 20
3-8 Exchange Rates 20
3-9 Purchasing Power Parities for GDP 21
3-10 Investment Income, Net 21
3-11 Foreign Direct Investment 22
3-12 Direct Investment from Developed Countries 22
3-13 International Trade: Exports 23
3-14 International Trade: Imports 23
3-15 Exports of Goods and Services 24
3-16 Imports of Goods and Services 24
3-17 Dependence on Foreign Trade 25
3-18 Economic Partnership Agreements and Free Trade Agreements 26
3-19 Balance of Payments in Technology 26
3-20 ASEAN's Major Trading Partners 27
3-21 Foreign Direct Investments: Japan 27
3-22 Financial Account, Assets, and Liabilities: Japan 28
3-23 Basic Balance by Country: Japan 29
3-24 Banance of Payments: Japan 29
3-25 Trading Partners: Japan 30
3-26 Exports and Imports by Area: Japan 31
3-27 Exports Value of Major Commodities: Japan 32
3-28 Import Value of Major Commodities: Japan 32
3-29 Exports and Imports of Commodities: Japan 33
3-30 Import Origin of Foodstuffs: Japan 34
3-31 Import Origin of Major Foodstuffs: Japan 34
3-32 Imports of Manufactured Products: Japan 35
3-33 Imports Origin of Manufactures Products: Japan 35
3-34 Exports by Commodity: Japan 36
3-35 Exports of Machinery and Equipment: Japan 36
3-36 Export Destinations of General Machinery & Equipments: Japan 37
3-37 Export Destinations of General Machinery: Japan 37
3-38 Export Destinations of Electrical Machinery: Japan 38
3-39 Export Destinations of Transportation Equipment: Japan 39
3-40 Export Destinations of Metals: Japan 39
3-41 Trade in Services: Japan 40
3-42 Trading Partners in Services: Japan 40
Chapter 4 Industries -
4-1 GDP by Industry 41
4-2 Fluctuation Ratio in Gross Value Added 41
4-3 Fluctuation Ratio in Gross Value Added by Industry 42
4-4 Food Self-Sufficiency Ratio 43
4-5 Output of Major Agricultural Produce 43
4-6 Production of Crude Steel 44
4-7 Crude Steel Production by Company 44
4-8 Production of Machine Tools 45
4-9 Production of Four-Wheeled Vehicles 45
4-10 Production by Major Automobile Manufactures 46
4-11 Production of Consumer Electronics 46
4-12 Industrial-Use Robots in Operation 47
4-13 E-Commerce: B-to-C Market Scale 47
4-14 Media Contents Market 48
4-15 Main Indicators of Information Technology 49
4-16 Construction of New Buildings 50
4-17 Market Value of Financial Institutions 50
4-18 R&D Expenditures 51
4-19 Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D 51
4-20 Animation Market: Japan 52
Chapter 5 Raw Materials, Energy, and Environment -
5-1 Prospects on Primary Energy Demand 53
5-2 Primary Energy Supplies 53
5-3 Energy Consumption by Industry 54
5-4 Oil: Reserves, Production, and Consumption 55
5-5 Natural Gas: Reserves, Production, and Consumption 55
5-6 Coal: Reserves, Production, and Consumption 55
5-7 Electricity Generation by Type 56
5-8 Wind and Solar Energy 57
5-9 Primary Energy and Resource Prices 58
5-10 Nuclear Power Generation Capacity 59
5-11 CO2 Emissions by Country 59
5-12 Per Capita CO2 Emissions 60
5-13 CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion by Fuel Type 60
5-14 CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion by Sector 61
5-15 Kyoto Protocol CO2 Reduction Targets and Results 61
5-16 Energy Efficiency by Industry 62
5-17 Emissions of Traditional Air Pollutants 62
5-18 Passenger Transport 63
5-19 Consumption and Recovery of Paper 63
5-20 Total Renewable Freshwater Supply by Country 64
5-21 Recycling Ratio: Japan 64
5-22 Imports of Mineral Fuels: Japan 65
5-23 Imports of Crude Oil and Oil Prices: Japan 65
5-24 Origins of Main Imported Resouces: Japan 66
5-25 Supply and Demand of Energy: Japan 67
5-26 CO2 Emissions by Sector: Japan 67
Chapter 6 Governments -
6-1 National Finances 68
6-2 General Government Gross Financial Liabilities 68
6-3 National Tax Revenues 69
6-4 Highest Rates of Income Taxes 69
6-5 Value-added Tax by Country 70
6-6 Effective Corporate Tax Rates 70
6-7 Social Expenditures 71
6-8 National Burden Ratio 71
6-9 Health Expenditures and Services 72
6-10 Gross Fixed Capital Formation over GDP 72
6-11 Defense Expenditures 73
6-12 Military Forces 73
6-13 DAC Contributions in Each Region 74
6-14 DAC Contributions 75
6-15 Contributions to the UN 75
6-16 Contributions to International Organizations 76
6-17 ODA Disbursement: Japan 76
6-18 National Budget and Tas Revenues: Japan 77
6-19 Social Security Benefits and Medical Expenditures: Japan 78
6-20 Medical Treatment Expenditures: Japan 78
6-21 Medical Treatment Expenditures on Elderly People: Japan 79
6-22 Local Government Budget: Japan 79
6-23 Local Governments' Financial Situation: Japan 80
6-24 Number of Civil Servants: Japan 80
6-25 Government Organizations: Japan 81
Chapter 7 Employment, Payment, and Household Economy -
7-1 Total Labor Force and Employment 82
7-2 Labor Force Participation Rate 83
7-3 Part-Time Employment 83
7-4 Labor Union Density Rates 84
7-5 Wage Gaps by Age, Gender, and Type of Employment 84
7-6 Hourly Compensation for Production Workers 85
7-7 Wage Gaps by Corporate Size 85
7-8 Unemployment 86
7-9 Unemployment of Famales and Youths 86
7-10 Working Hours in Manufacturing 87
7-11 Labor Productivity 87
7-12 Gini Coefficient of Income 88
7-13 Household Saving Rate 88
7-14 Employees by Industry: Japan 89
7-15 Average Number of Years Worked by Females: Japan 89
7-16 Working Hours: Japan 90
7-17 Household Accounts: Japan 90
Chapter 8 Life, Culture, and Others -
8-1 Daily Supply of Nutrients 91
8-2 Public Utility Charges 91
8-3 Students Proceeding to Higher Education Institutions 92
8-4 Public Expenditures on Education 92
8-5 Number of Higher Education Institutions 93
8-6 Olympic Medals by Country 94
8-7 Olympics, World Cup, and World Exposition Host Countries 94
8-8 Nobel Prize Winners 95
8-9 Crime Rates 95
8-10 Patent Applications and Registrations 96
8-11 Road Conditions 96
8-12 Newspapers 97
8-13 Departures and Entries: Japan 97
8-14 Entries into Japan by Nationality 98
8-15 Political Parties: Japan 08
Appendixes - -
1 Chronology of Japan 99
2 Map of Japan 100
3 World Heritage in Japan 101
Index - 102