931 Gilbert Faccarello and Masashi Izumo ed., The Reception of David Ricardo in Continental Europe and Japan

書誌情報:Routledge,pages: 249,£95.00,10th February 2014

The Reception of David Ricardo in Continental Europe and Japan

The Reception of David Ricardo in Continental Europe and Japan

  • 発売日: 2014/02/10
  • メディア: ハードカバー

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Author Title
Gilbert Faccarello and Masashi Izumo Introduction: Ricardo's travels into several remote nations
Alain Béraud and Gilbert Faccarello 1 'Nous marchons sur un autre terrain.' The Reception of Ricardo in the French language: episodes from a complex history
Christian Gehrke 2 The reception and further elaboration of Ricardo's theory of value and distribution in the German-speaking countries, 1817-1914
José Luís Cardoso 3 The diffusion of Ricardo and classical political economy in Portugal
Salvador Almenar 4 The reception and dissemination of Ricardo's ideas in Spain
Anna la Bruna and Annalisa Rosselli 5 The influence of Ricardo on the monetary debate in Italy
Denis Melnik 6 The diffusion of Ricardo's theories in Russia
Masashi Izumo and Shigemasa Sato 7 The reception of Ricardo in Japan