
ニュースを100語程度の短い英文で紹介する Asahi Weekly は,ロサンゼルスのリトルトーキョーに登場した大谷選手の壁画についてこう紹介している(朝日新聞2024年5月8日付から)。

LA mural celebrates larger-than-life Ohtani


Ohtani-mania officially kicked off in downtown Los Angeles on March 27 with the unveiling of a 15-story  mural of new Dodgers star Shohei Ohtani.

It took almost an months to create the mural on the side of the Japanese Miyako Hotel in LA's Little Tokyo. Artist Robert Varga said it represents the cultural bridge between Japan tha the City of Angels.

"We're all Angelinos rooting for Shohei. That nation (Japan ) and Dodger Nation are all on the same team." Vargas told a crowd at hte unveiling.

Fans wearing Ohtani merchandise posed for photos in forot of the mural and gazed up at the gigantic tribute to their favorite player. 



大谷翔平」には Ohtani (OHTANI) Shohei がふさわしい。

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