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C 次の文章の[32]〜[34]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1)〜4)のうちから一つずつ選べ。

It has been said that nine out of ten people like chocolate and the tenth one is lying, but did you ever think about who gets the money you pay for your favorite chocolate? In fact, the farmer who grows the cocoa beans and the famer whose cows give the milk get very little the money you pay. Most of it goes to the companies which transport the raw materials, turn them into chocolate, then package, advertise and distribute it to stores. As a result, the cocoa and milk producers often lie in very poor conditions. [32]

Garstang, near Lancaster in England, is a town which encourages stores to sell "Fairtrade" goods with the Fairtrade" label, you can be sure that a reasonable part of the money you pay will go to the farmer who grows the raw materials from which you goods are made. For example, money paid for "Fairtrade" chocolate goes to cocoa farmers in Africa. People in Garstang became interested in "Fairtrade" when they began to look for a way to help these farmers. the farmers complained that big chocolate companies were interested only in buying cocoa beans inexpensively, and not in whether the farmers had enough money to live. One group in Garstang decided to [33], making sure the farmers could keep as much of the profit as possible.

The chocolate sold in stores in Garstang with a special "Fairtrade" logo on it was more expensive than ordinary chocolate, but 82% of local people said they were willing to pay extra if they knew the money was being used to help people in a poor country. Gradually, other goods came to be traded in this way.

The next thing that happened was that local dairy farmers demonstrated in the center of Garstang. They wanted [34]. They pointed out that, like the cocoa farmers in Africa, they also felt disadvantaged by an unfair trading system. They wanted more money for the milk their cows produced. As a result, Garstang has become a center not only for fair trade with poorer countries, but also for promoting locally produced goods.

1) Farmers in England have started to grow their own cocoa.
2) One small town in England is trying to change this situation.
3) People take action in their local community to reduce the price of chocolate.
4) There is very little that can be done to improve things.

1) buy cocoa directly from the farmers and make it into chocolate
2) give money to poor African farmers who grow cocoa beans
3) return the chocolate to the cocoa farmers in Africa
4) supply cocoa beans to African farmers

1) to become involved in the "Fairtrade" movement
2) to be paid more for the cocoa they produced
3) to encourage chocolate consumption
4) to reduce the price of their chocolate bars

それでもフェアトレードは万能ではない。「転換期」(244ページ)にある。フェアトレードが市場社会と既存の貿易体制の枠内に納まるのか,それとも納まりきれなくなるのか。その答えはフェアトレードの進展そのものにある。と同時に,Market-Driven Ethical Consumption――原著のサブタイトル――の将来も確定されることになる。